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Help » Operator Console

Operator Console

Chat operator uses a special tool to monitor the website and chat with visitors - Operator Console.

We offer two types of Operator Console - the web-based one and the stand-alone one.

Both consoles are free and can be used on any number of computers.

Operator Console types

Stand-alone Operator Console can be downloaded at Downloads page on our site. We offer stand-alone Operator Console for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Web-based Operator Console URL is http://operator.providesupport.com This console doesn't require installation, it can be easily reached from any computer. It is not so powerful as the stand-alone one and supports only basic functionality.

Below you can see the comparison chart for the web-based and stand-alone consoles.

Web-based and Stand-alone Operator Consoles comparison chart

FeatureWeb-based Operator ConsoleStand-alone Operator console
Doesn't require installation
Is common for different OSs (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)
Supports website monitoring
Supports file transferring
Pushing pages available
Supports proactive chat invitation but greeting message cannot be added
Geo Location map included
Emoticons menu available
Supports Away status
Alerts available but only On New Visitor sound alert different sound and visual alerts
Supports several profiles

See Also:

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