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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Installation » Linux » Fedora



To install stand-alone Operator Console on Linux Fedora (GNOME graphics shell) please follow the instruction:

  1. Open Downloads page for Linux on our website at http://www.providesupport.com/downloads/linux.html
  2. Click Fedora i386 or AMD64 (this depends on your computer processor) link

  3. Choose Save File option in the opened window and press OK button

  4. The file is saved in your Download folder. Double click the file to start installation

  5. Confirm that you wish to install the file by clicking Install on Do you want to install this file? dialog

  6. Enter your root password and press Authenticate button to confirm that you have the super user privileges

  7. Press Force Install button on PackageKit File Installer dialog and enter your root password again

  8. Operator console will appear in Applications / Internet after installation

  9. Please restart your system if you cannot see it just after the installation.

To uninstall stand-alone Operator Console from Linux Fedora (GNOME graphics shell) please follow the instruction:

  1. If the console is running close it via File / Exit menu or by right click /Exit on tray icon.
  2. Open Add/Remove Software tool via System / Administration / Add/Remove Software

  3. Type providesupport and press Find button to find the console package

  4. Uncheck the console package in the list and press Apply button; enter your root password and press Authenticate button to confirm that you have the super user privileges

  5. After uninstall the console package will disappear from the list and from Applications / Internet.

See Also:

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