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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Options » Events


You can setup visual and sound alerts on certain events, e.g. visitor call, new visitor enter the site, etc.

Events tab

Sound alert plays a certain sound on certain events. Please click Play button in the particular event section to listen to the alert sound. Please check Play Sound Alert option in the particular event section to enable this alert.

Visual alert raises the console up. Please check Raise Operator Console option in the particular event section to enable this alert.

On New Visitor Enter the Site

This event works only if monitoring is enabled (Visitors or Geo Location tab is opened) in the console.

Other events

Other events (On Visitor Call, On Operator To Operator Call, On System Message, On User Message) work all the time the console is logged in.

Play sound method

You can choose either DirectSound or standard Windows method to play alerts sounds. This option can be useful if you are experiencing some problems with playing alerts in the console.

Custom sounds

You can change the sound for any alert. To do this you�d need to place your own sound files into the C:\Program Files\Provide Support\Live Support Chat for Web Site\sound folder. If you've installed the console to some custom location, then you'd need to change files in this custom folder.

Note! You should keep the file name and format, otherwise the sound won't be picked up by the console.

See Also:

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