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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Installation » Linux » Xandros



To install stand-alone Operator Console on Linux Xandros please follow the instruction:

  1. Open Downloads page for Linux on our website at http://www.providesupport.com/downloads/linux.html
  2. Click Other Linux i386 link

  3. Choose Save to Disk option in the opened window and press OK button

  4. Choose Save in folder: My Documents in Enter name of file to save to... window and press Save button

  5. When the file is saved open Work / File Manager

  6. In File Manager open My Documents folder and find the console .tgz archive file
  7. Right click on the file and choose Extract All... item in the file context menu.
  8. Choose My Home destination in Extract window and press OK button. The archive will be extracted to My Home folder

  9. Open Terminal application by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T

  10. In Terminal type
    cd console_folder_name
    and press Enter. console_folder_name should be the real console folder name. The console folder should be displayed as current in Terminal now

    Note! If you've extracted the console archive to some other folder, please use cd command in Terminal as many times as needed to navigate to the console folder.
  11. In Terminal type
    bash install local
    and press Enter.
  12. Confirm that you wish to install the console by typing
    in Terminal and pressing Enter. This should start installation

  13. When installation is finished type
    and press Enter to exit Terminal

  14. The console should be installed in My Home / bin folder now. Please double click on it to start it


To uninstall stand-alone Operator Console from Linux Xandros please do the following:

  1. If the console is running close it via File / Exit menu or by right click /Exit on tray icon.
  2. Delete the console executable file from My Home / bin folder.

See Also:

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