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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Options


Profile Manager

Profile Manager in the stand-alone Operator Console allows creating and managing several profiles with different options (e.g. connection settings, login information, regional options, console behavior on different events, etc.). This can be useful if several operators share one Operator Console using one computer or if one operator monitors several accounts from one computer.

To open Profile Manager please use Tools / Profile Manager menu item in the console.

Profile Manager

Note! Profile in the console is not the same as operator profile in the account Control Panel. They are responsible for completely different options.

Working with profiles

To start using the profile, you need to open it. To open the profile please do the following:

  1. Choose the profile in Available Profiles list
  2. Click Open button

You can have several profiles opened in the console simultaneously. This can be useful if you need to monitor several accounts or act as several operators. Each opened profile has its own icon in the system tray and is marked with Yes in Is Open column in Available Profiles list.


To stop using the profile, you need to close it. To close the profile please do the following:

  1. Choose the profile in Available Profiles list
  2. Click Close button (it appears instead of Open button for opened profiles)


  1. Right click the profile tray icon
  2. Click Close item in tray icon menu
Managing profiles

To create a new profile please do the following:

  1. Open Profile Manager
  2. Enter new profile name in Create New Operator Profile field
    Note! This field accepts only Latin letters, numbers, dashes (-), underscores (_) and spaces.
  3. Click Create button

The new profile with default settings will appear in Available Profiles list. You can adjust the profile's settings to fit your needs.


To edit a profile please do the following:

  1. Open Profile Manager
  2. Choose the profile in Available Profiles list
  3. Click Options button

To delete a profile please do the following:

  1. Open Profile Manager
  2. Choose the profile in Available Profiles list
  3. Click Delete button
  4. Confirm deleting the profile

See Also:

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