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Help » Operator Console » Web-based Operator Console

Web-based Operator Console

The web-based Operator Console is opened in a browser window. It looks like a webpage, its URL is http://operator.providesupport.com

As you can see from the comparison chart, the web-based Operator Console is less powerful than the Stand-alone one. But it still can be useful for operators who travel a lot and work from different computers, who cannot install the stand-alone Operator Console due to some security policy, etc.

The web-based Operator Console is common for different operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux. It supports most of popular browsers.

The console has the following look

Web-based Operator Console
  1. Each chat session appears as a separate "room tab" labeled with visitor's name
  2. Operator's, visitor's and system messages are displayed in the main messages area
  3. Chat messages are typed in the text input area. All world languages are supported
  4. You can proactively invite your website visitors to chat
  5. You can see the active chat session participants' details (both visitor's and operator's)
  6. You can see your website visitors' navigation history
  7. You can switch the console to the chosen visitor chat tab

See Also:

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